61 - Oh The Humanity!

61 - Oh The Humanity!


Matthew 11:19, Luke 7:34, Luke 22:44, John 2:15, John 11:35, Philippians 2:5-11, CCC 457-460.

A Prayer in Praise of Christ's Humanity (Taken from: https://www.catholic.org/prayers/prayer.php?p=2523):

O risen Lord, Your body was part of Your power, rather than You a part in its weakness. For this reason You could not but rise again, if You were to die, because Your body, once taken by You, never was or could be separated from You even in the grave. I keep Your most Holy Body before me as the pledge of my own resurrection. Though I die, as I certainly shall die, it only means that my life is changed, for I shall rise again. Teach me so to live as one who believes the great dignity and sanctity of the material frame in which I am lodged. Amen.

St. Longinus, pray for us!

Matthew 27:54, Mark 15:39, Luke 23:47, John 19:34.

St. Charles Borromeo, pray for us!

See you in the Eucharist!



MANNA is a ministry creating blogs and podcasts to encourage and inspire others to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and live out their Catholic faith.