Psalm Reflection: The Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time - Cycle C

Psalm Reflection: The Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time - Cycle C

“The Lord comes to rule the earth with justice.” - Psalm 98

Do you like surprises?

I always chuckle a little when I meet someone who says they do not like surprises, because it is impossible to predict everything in life. We are practically guaranteed to be surprised on a daily basis. Nothing is exactly as well expect it will be and life is constantly changing. Surprise!

I think when we finally one day encounter the Jesus at the moment of our death or when He comes again, we will be surprised. We all have a version of Jesus in our heads that is probably safer and more comfortable than the person we will really meet at our own judgment.

This week’s Psalm reminds us that, when the Lord comes to rule the earth, He will do so with His justice. 

We get uncomfortable with the idea of Jesus as a judge. We want all the mercy instead. The reality is that we cannot cherry-pick the things about Jesus that we like and ignore the rest.

We cannot expect Jesus to pour out all His mercy on us but withhold His justice. We cannot ask for justice in situations or against others and suddenly be surprised when He pours out His mercy. 

Justice with out mercy is harsh, and can be vindictive and cruel.

Mercy without justice is unfair, shallow, and superficial.

We need both. We need to recognize that our image of Jesus must be able to reconcile with both mercy and justice. Otherwise, we may have a rude awakening in store.

Nowhere in the Gospel did Jesus call anyone to go and do what was easy or comfortable. The life of a disciple should constantly be growing in greater receptivity to both mercy and justice. 

The more we repent and turn away from sin, the more we recognize and welcome the justice of God to convict us and change our hearts. 

The more we humbly come before God in our sin and seeking His forgiveness, we welcome His mercy to transform us and give us a healing and love we do not deserve, but that He freely offers nonetheless.

This week, pray for God’s justice to convict you in your sin, and pray for God’s mercy as you seek His forgiveness. Pray through an Examination of Conscience, or look up the Examen and try to incorporate it into your daily prayer to help you be more aware of your need for both justice and mercy.

I am praying for you, please pray for me, and I will see you in the Eucharist.


MANNA is a ministry creating blogs and podcasts to encourage and inspire others to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and live out their Catholic faith.