Psalm Reflection: Pentecost Sunday (Cycle A)

Psalm Reflection: Pentecost Sunday (Cycle A)

“Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth.” - Psalm 104

Back to normal. That is what we have been waiting for, right? When will things be like they were before? When will life be able to de-mask and de-glove? When will it be like the good old’ days?

The hard truth is that we will never go back to normal. This experience will change our outlook on the world, how we socialize and how we interact forever. This is not a time to return, but an opportunity for renewal.

As the Psalmist this week proclaims, the Spirit comes to renew the face of the earth! Notice that the Psalm does not say, “Lord, send out your Spirit, and make things like they used to be.” No, God is always doing something new. He is always inventing new ways to surprise us with His love and to bring renewal into our lives.

If you struggle with change, these moments can often feel more like burdens than blessings. However, just as precious metals must be exposed to intense heat in order to be melted down, purified, and made into something new, so must we be willing to undergo the hard task of transformation, even if it is painful. That is why we cannot do this on our own. 

No matter how many self-help books you read, conferences you attend, or professionals you consult, you cannot renew yourself. It is always the work of the Spirit in us. So let’s not fight it. As we celebrate the great feast of Pentecost this Sunday, let us rejoice in receiving and being renewed by the Holy Spirit!

This week, pick one habit, routine task, or recurring part of your day and try to change it for the better. Seek to turn a vice into a virtue, use your time better, or do things in a different way. Allow that small change to be a place of renewal in your heart, and the ripple effect on that renewal will allow for bigger and better moments of renewal to follow if you are open to them.

We are praying for you this week.

See you in the Eucharist.

MANNA is a ministry creating blogs and podcasts to encourage and inspire others to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and live out their Catholic faith.