Psalm Reflection: The Baptism of the Lord (Cycle A)

Psalm Reflection: The Baptism of the Lord (Cycle A)

“The Lord will bless his people with peace.” - Psalm 29

A few years ago, the Institute for Economics and Peace looked at all of the countries in the world and determined that only ten of them were not experiencing some sort of war or conflict. 

Only 10 out of then 195 nations. 

That is 5% of the world. 

Peace is hard to come by. It is in short supply politically, economically, and also personally.

Do you feel completely at peace in your life? If you were to die tomorrow would there be anything left unsaid, unresolved or unforgiven? Would you have anxiety about the things that weren’t yet finished or in order? What do you need to stop putting off? What do you need to reprioritize today, before it is too late? Who do you need to reconcile with?

Saint Mother Teresa once said, “if we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to one another.” Our world is one of selfish ambition and pride. Social media provides a constant means for competition and self-glorification—an excuse to stay home and scroll instead of getting up and making a real difference in our relationships and the world as a whole. Our world has made it so easy to be comfortable, ignorant and indifferent. However, to remember we belong to each other comes from remembering that we all belong to God first. 

So, show me your prayer life and I will tell you how much peace you have. 

Are you connecting with God every day or just expecting peace to fall in your lap because you were Baptized and Confirmed and go through the motions once a week? That is not prayer, it is blind ritualism and spiritual entitlement. Let 2020 be the year you have a REAL relationship with God. Fall in love with Him. Let Him into your life and ask Him to speak to you, not the words you want to hear but whatever He wants to say. Let Him refocus your heart and your priorities and I guarantee you will feel peace, purpose, satisfaction and contentment like never before.

We are praying for you this week. See you in the Eucharist.

MANNA is a ministry creating blogs and podcasts to encourage and inspire others to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and live out their Catholic faith.