Psalm Reflection: The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A): "Word of God Sunday"

Psalm Reflection: The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A): "Word of God Sunday"

“The Lord is my light and my salvation.” - Psalm 27

What would solve all your problems right now?

What is going on in your life that could use guidance, clarity or peace?

Whatever it is, I guarantee with 100% confidence that you do not need it as much as you need Jesus.

I think we forget, because I know that I do, how much we really need Him. Beyond that, how much we rely on Him and the things He has given us on a daily basis without even realizing it.

I don’t think about the fact that I need to breathe, but my body does it all day. And yet, every single breath is a gift from God that He could take away at any moment. 

Do you want to go to heaven one day? I would like to think we all do deep down, but that possibility wouldn’t even be on the table without Jesus and what He did for us. When we get too wrapped up in what we can control or what we can achieve in our reward-based culture of work and social media, We can accidentally remove Jesus from the equation and think we are earning our way to wherever we want to go. 

But without Jesus, our life would be pitch black. I don’t know if you’ve ever been in a room so dark that you were literally can’t see an inch in front of you, but you can’t do anything on your own. Yeah, you might be able to stumble and feel around, but what you really need is a flashlight. Jesus is the flashlight of our existence. He is the source of light, guidance, clarity, and points in the direction we should go. He prevents us from being consumed by the darkness around us and falling into its hidden traps. But, we need to pick up the flashlight and turn it on. We need to give Jesus control to show us the way. We can’t just stand in the dark and whine or complain that we can’t see. 

Jesus saved us from our sins once and for all, but we also need him to save us from our own pride on a daily basis. This week, invite him to shed light on the areas of darkness in your heart and in your life. Allow Him to illuminate the places that you still haven’t given Him completely and offer a sincere prayer of openness for Him to begin to work.

We are praying for you this week. See you in the Eucharist!

MANNA is a ministry creating blogs and podcasts to encourage and inspire others to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and live out their Catholic faith.